Kefir is a cultured, fermented beverage, made by using starter grains, a combination of yeasts, milk proteins, and bacteria. Kefir is full of nutrients, especially protein, B vitamins, potassium, and calcium, and loaded with probiotic health benefits. There are 2 kinds of kefir: milk kefir* or fruit water kefir, and can easily be made at home (check YouTube or Google for tons of cool recipes).

Kefir is commonly known to be your gut health best friend. But did you know it can also be super beneficial for your skin microbiome?

Here come the 4 good reasons to consume kefir when you’re having acne issues (or skin issues in general).

#1 – It’s good for your transit…

… and we all know a lot of acne issues come from bad nutrition and/or digestion. If you do not digest properly, the skin will take over to evacuate what the body does not want, which can lead to skin issues.

#2 – It contains Lactobacillus…

… which is one of the most effective probiotic strains for treating acne. Generally speaking, probiotics prevent the occurrence of inflammation, which is the root cause of many skin diseases including acne.

#3 – It helps with antibiotics

If you suffer from severe acne, you may have to use antibiotics, which are effectively killing the bad bacteria, but also, unfortunately, the good ones. The probiotics present in kefir helps you restore your flora.

#4 – It may even help with skin lesions

When applied locally, studies have found that probiotics may help in keeping active skin lesions at bay, acting as a protective shield. No joke: you can apply your kefir directly on your skin! Or use a probiotics skincare cream, if you’re up to something a bit cozier.

*Good to know: Milk kefir can be taken by people who are lactose intolerant

More info

Acne is a complicated issue, and we’re not saying that drinking kefir will miraculously make all your acne pimples disappear. But a good diet, probiotics sources (such as our Skin & Microbiome supplement) and a gentle & appropriate skincare (such as Gallinée) will definitely help you bring your skin back to life 🙂

And if you want to incorporate more probiotics into your dietary routine, take a look at our Skin & Microbiome supplements!

Gallinée Front Bottle Supplement White JPEG